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The Berkeley High Jacket is the award-winning, century-old student newspaper of Berkeley High School. The paper is published every other Friday, and includes five sections that cover local events at the high school and current issues in the world. The name of the paper is taken from the BHS mascot, the yellow jacket.

The Jacket is the recipient of numerous awards, the most prestigious being from the Society of Professional Journalists for a story that Jacket journalists Megan Greenwell and Iliana Montauk broke about a sex trafficking ring involving a prominent Bay Area landlord. Other awards include Gold Crowns, Gold Medals, and Silver Crowns from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and Pacemakers from the National Scholastic Press Association. The latter is considered by some to be “the Pulitzer Prize of student journalism.”

The staff of the Jacket is made up of more than one hundred student editors, writers, photographers, illustrators, and columnists; as well as one faculty advisor who advises staff on ethical and journalistic matters, and acts as the Jacket‘s representative to the administration.