This article is 8 years old

BSU Update


Last year, the Berkeley High School Black Student Union (BSU) focused heavily on activism. We led a walkout in response to hate speech and racist threats left on a school computer and helped to organize the events on December 9th.

In the Sankofa assembly, we announced our official list of demands to the school site administration and we later brought those demands to the school board.

In brief, we demanded the implementation of racially inclusive curriculum, the continued, if not increased, funding of the Black studies department, the creation of an on campus Black resource center, the creation of a committee focused on hiring and retaining Black staff and faculty, and the implementation of comprehensive sensitivity training for all adults on campus.

Throughout the year we met with different members of the school administration to work towards the implementation of our demands.

This year we will continue to work with the school site administration to make Berkeley High a safer place for Black students.

However, this year we want to work more directly with the Black community at Berkeley High.

We are looking forward to organizing events, hosting community discussions, and holding educational panels for many different audiences.

Our mission statement is that we will work to foster community and make Berkeley High School a safe place for Black students to learn, grow, and succeed. The BSU is a fun and enriching club.

If you are interested in joining or want more information, please email us at [email protected] or text @bhsbsu2016 to 81010 to receive information on meetings and events.

We meet weekly on Tuesdays at lunch in H11 and we hope to see you there!