Flores Mundi
by Bella Nathan
This is a project I have been working on for a little more than a year, and something I plan on continuing. I take very close up and focused pictures of the flowers and then cut them out and make minor edits on Photoshop. My favorite part of this project is the stunning colors of the flowers and the diversity of shapes and forms. I hope you enjoy!Cape Town, South Africa
Scientific Name: Dahlia
Higher Classification: Coreopsideae
Berkeley, CA
Scientific Name: Rosa Nutkana
Higher Classification: Rose
Berkeley, CA
Scientific Name: Chrysanthemum
Higher Classification: Anthemideae
Oakland, CA
Scientific Name: Phalaenopsis Amabilis
Higher Classification: Moth Orchids
Cape Town, South Africa
Scientific Name: Dahlia
Higher Classification: Coreopsideae
Berkeley, CA
Scientific Name: Adenium
Higher Classification: Wrightieae
Cape Town, South Africa
Scientific Name: Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis
Higher Classification: Rosemallows
Cape Town, South Africa
Scientific Name: Mimosa
Higher Classification: Mimoseae