The Berkeley High Jacket


NEWS BRIEF: BUSD confirms schools will not be closed amidst budget cuts

By Hazel Lutzker, January 24th, 2025

Recently, Berkeley Unified School District, among various other school districts across the Bay Area, has faced budget cuts. These budget cuts necessitate the redistribution of funds and identifying where funding can be reduced. Faced with these funding reductions, some Bay Area districts have resorted to shutting down their districts’ prized possession: schools.

BUSD’s recent budget cuts may have introduced a concern among community members that BUSD, like surrounding school districts, may have to shut down a school campus.

Trish Mcdermott, the BUSD Senior Communications Officer oversees all aspects of district communication, including media relations, press releases, social media, and community engagement, wrote to the Jacket that BUSD does not intend on shutting down any of its schools due to budget cuts. 

“It’s important to understand that while some districts in California are experiencing declining enrollment, Berkeley Unified is not, and we are not projecting this,” Mcdermott wrote, “Like many California school districts, BUSD had to cut our budget for the current school year and budget planning for the 2025-2026 school year has begun. There are no plans at this time to close schools as a budget-balancing measure.”

According to Mcdermott, districts often face difficult decisions and may be forced to close a school if state funding does not keep up with rising costs. 

Mcdermott also expanded on how BUSD’s process for creating its  budget. “District staff, after months of work and engagement, multiple updates at Board meetings, and after the Governor’s May budget revision is released, bring the budget for the following school year to our Board of Education in June for approval,” said Mcdermott

The financial challenges that the Bay Area’s public schools are facing are undeniable. However, parents, students, and community members can find relief in knowing that BUSD is not considering school closures. Nevertheless, the examples of nearby districts serve as a reminder that these financial struggles also persist in our district.