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Should students consider going to college in the Bay Area?

By Alessio Gilabert-Papagni, February 7th, 2025

Should Berkeley High School students really consider going to college in the Bay Area? College is one of the most important periods in a person's life that builds students into newly informed and independent members of society. Choosing where to go to college is a struggle for many high schoolers across the country especially because of how important of a decision it is. Making the difficult decision of going to college outside of the Bay Area is the best way to maximize what you learn and make your experience worth it.

College is a place of discovery and development that changes a person's life like none other. This means that maximizing your college experience is extremely valuable. Narrowing your options to the Bay Area can limit your chances of finding the optimal place. Going out of state means more college options but also more internship opportunities. Leaving the Bay Area allows you to adapt to a new environment and ensure that you’re making the most of the city or state you’re in. In this way, leaping to go on this adventure helps you become independent and develop self-management skills. If you decide to attend a college outside of the Bay Area you will discover new people, communities, cultures, traditions, and perspectives that could have pivotal roles in your development or even just be enjoyable. This will serve you in the long term because expanding and meeting new people in different areas gives you job options around the country. If you're open-minded and are willing to take on new challenges, an out-of-state college has a lot to offer.

“I think it’s more of a personal preference for me. I want physical change as well as a mental (one)," said BHS Junior Toby Quilty. "Going to college is a huge step and it (would) allow me to branch out, which I don’t think I’d be able to achieve as well in my hometown or area,” he continued. Quilty emphasizes how crucial an explorative college experience is.

On the other hand, going to college in the Bay Area provides an ease that leaving home into the unknown can't offer. This comfort can come in many forms. Being familiar with the Bay Area can lighten the weight of having to discover and make your new location feel like a home. Choosing to go to college in the Bay Area has a lot of financial upside potential as colleges often offer reduced tuition rates for in-state applicants, for example, UC Berkeley's in-state tuition is $14,850 compared to the out-of-state tuition which is  $45,627. Housing can also cause a financial barrier for some applicants. The Finances Online Business Review states that the top 175 largest universities in the U.S. accommodate only 21.5 percent of undergraduates in on-campus housing, making staying in the Bay and perhaps living with your parents a much safer option as it can help you save money to possibly pay off student loans. It can also be very valuable to have the support of your family in a stressful college environment. Speaking of communication, being established in the Bay can offer many new possibilities, a major one being networking. This is possible because of the connections you have made over the years as a Bay Area resident. This could be seen when applying for a job or even joining a social group. Overall going to college in the Bay Area offers comfort and a lot of practical advantages that would otherwise take lots of time and effort

It can be difficult to choose between going to college in your home area and moving further away. While the former provides many benefits, “easy” is not always the best path to take. Going to college outside of the Bay Area is a challenge and opportunity students should seize. The Financial Data Initiative found that more and more financial aid is being given to students even if they are out of state, and about 87 percent of college students are said to receive it. The insight and personal development you get from daring to start anew is unmatched by staying close to home. Leaving the Bay Area to pursue your studies will turn you into a more global — or at least national — citizen.