Aditya Sridharan




Class of 2025

Aditya Sridharan is a writer, journalist and Berkeley High student, passionate about playing tennis and learning new languages. He speaks English, French and Spanish fluently and enjoys exploring global perspectives as someone with multicultural roots.

An illustration of the world with a bike, dollar bills, a leaf, and wind turbines around it.

Climate action must become more accessible and affordable


“Buy an electric car, install solar panels on top of your house, and don’t forget to pay for your carbon offsets!” In the grand scheme of combating climate change, the narrative often centers around expensive lifestyle overhauls like these.

A student puts a laptop into their backpack.

Personal laptops: Tools for engagement


Technology has an undeniable impact on learning: 96 percent of teachers nationwide agree that technology increases student engagement. While the widespread availability of Chromebooks at Berkeley High School has drastically improved, there are still times when they are hard to access.

Socratic seminar taking place as the teacher observes.

Socratic seminars: A place for rich discussions when  used sparingly, with intentionality


English and history classes have long been places of discussion, debate, and disagreement. Conversations can quickly become rich, nuanced, and even heated.

Gisela Cediel works at her print shop internship.

Internships: Valuable, but they must stem from real interest


In today’s fast-paced academic world, it is difficult for students to incorporate what they learn into their daily lives. School can be a place of theory with little focus on practical and applied knowledge.

Students work on a group exam in math class. *edited to remove test answers

Group exams build collaboration skills


School projects and exams have long been thought of as individual assessments. However, collaborative testing introduces a new way to evaluate students.

Illustration of two people arguing.

Controversy training for teachers is essential to cover relevant topics


With so many controversial issues across the globe, it is of utmost importance that teachers be equipped to handle controversy and debate in the classroom.

Girl holding up a bad grade report.

Bay Area public schools should maintain merit-based admission


It is well known that Berkeley High School is an extremely diverse community, with 56.5 percent of its students considered minorities. This extensive diversity exists in part because BHS is the only comprehensive public high school in the city.

A blue alarm clock ringing, with a person trying to grab the minute hand.

Daylight savings harms youth, must end


Twice a year, millions of Americans change their clocks in accordance with “spring forwards” and “fall backwards.” This unnecessary time switch leads to a variety of damaging consequences for youth.

An illustration of a science laboratory.

Zero period offers valuable opportunities


The thought of zero period often elicits a sigh of frustration from the students of Berkeley High School. Students may wonder if zero period, which involves waking up early and an additional hour of school, really worth it?

Illustration of people talking to each other

Native speaker program supports Spanish speaking students at BHS


Coming into high school, many Latinx students already have a strong degree of bilingualism. These students are in search of something more than just a language class, and Spanish for Native Speakers does just this.  The SNS program was created in order to offer a Spanish track for students who already spoke the language

Counselor bonds aid students


Students are often encouraged to build relationships with their counselors, but the value of a strong student-counselor relationship can be overlooked.

An array of artworks are shown at BAMPFA.

Best places to see art throughout the Bay


Art close to home is a valuable tool to enrich the lives of many residents.  However, it can be daunting to know where to start looking.  Exploring the multitude of art choices Berkeley offers is key to being able to enjoy them in our day to day lives.

Dancers rehearse choreography during lunch.

​​African Diaspora dance class explores Black female identity


“This dance really characterizes what Black women went through,” said African Diaspora dance teacher Dawn “Doc Dub” Williams, speaking on Djouba, a Haitian dance being taught in the African Diaspora Dance class this year.

‘I’m Not Broken’ author Jesse Leon presents at BHS library


Jesse Leon’s debut book “I’m Not Broken” is a testament to human resilience amidst devastating life struggles.   On February 23, Leon spoke at the Berkeley High School Library, sharing his new memoir and the inspirational pathway he took in order to achieve so much.   Leon grew up in San Diego, where as a young boy

Williams demonstrates a song on electric bass for his class.

‘Stories through sound:’ New hip-hop class bridges history


Nestled in the A Building is Sakima Williams, who teaches Inventing Hip-Hop at Berkeley High School. In a room of six students, the course covers the past and present, music and history, and incites inspiration.    Williams grew up in hip -hop and remembers break dancing in the early ‘80s on pieces of linoleum.

'Love and pain': Multicultural students grapple with the holidays


The anticipation of the holiday season is a true source of hope and relish for many students, with many beginning to consider the placement of their Christmas trees.  Yet during these times of supposed joy, the thoughts of many multicultural students are far from tranquil.

Football Coach David Perry

‘Full circle:’ Alum coaches return


The journey of attending Berkeley High School as a student, diving into a lifetime of sports, and becoming an alum coach is one that is profoundly rewarding.