Noa Ledor

COVID-19 May Be the Final Nail in the Coffin of the Already Withering Cinema Industry


The theatre has always existed at the center of American culture. From the time of the American Revolution through the turn of the century, aristocratic women in their hobble skirts and pearls swarmed the playhouses along the Bowery and Broadway to view americanized renditions of Shakespeare.

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February 28, 2020


The 1920’s conjure many images in the contemporary American mind: stately chandelier-filled ballrooms with dashing men in Italian suits courting the hands of dainty women clad in opulent ball gowns and bustling cafés brimming with chattering young women in tweed skirts and cloche hats discussing the latest scandal or divorce, all accompanied with a never-ending

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February 7, 2020


Tokyo has never been a city to shy away from the eccentric and bizarre. Even in the years of state-imposed isolation, Tokyo was a Mecca of uniqueness and innovation, an oasis in a sea of the ordinary.