Climate Change

Illustration of someone talking to two other people with an illustration of the world behind them.

U9 teachers educate, empower students with  Climate Conference


On Friday, April 19, 2024, Berkeley High School teachers held a Climate Conference with five  out of seven Universal Ninth Grade hives. The conference consisted of over 20 workshops with a variety of focuses.

Illustration of a person holding up the world while standing in a large sized footprint.

BUSD Sustainability Program and Climate Literacy Resolution work in tandem to ensure bright future for Berkeley students


In 2018, Berkeley Unified School District adopted the Sustainability Program and Plan. The plan covers green buildings & materials, transportation, water, energy, waste, food, schoolyards, and eco-literacy and nature-based education.

Illustration of a person standing in the rain holding an umbrella.

Under rainy skies, students and staff weigh impact of the climate


As we grapple with the consequences of climate change, it shows just how vital the role of rain in our ecosystem is. Merideth Irby, a librarian at Berkeley High School who organized a climate justice and activist training last year, has been interested in climate change since college.

The earth in an hour glass

Grappling with irreversible climate change


Climate change could become irreversible as soon as 2030. The United Nations estimates that drought alone could displace 700 million people by then. In order to avoid permanent climate effects, countries will have to decrease global emissions by 43 percent before 2030.  But few countries have taken significant enough steps towards reaching this goal,

Youth vs. Apocalypse climate strike calls Bay Area youth to action


On Friday, September 23, students from all over the Bay Area gathered together in Oakland to fight for the environment at the Youth vs. Apocalypse climate march.

Student Social Action Guide: How To Go Beyond Social Media


Protests, Rallies, and Marches Attend a protest by joining others on the streets to fight collectively for a cause. Marches are held often across the Bay Area and are a straightforward way to get involved.

How Screwed Are We? Community Perspectives on Climate Change


The climate crisis is one of the defining issues of our time. With smartphones and computers, many of us have access to an infinite amount of information on the topic.

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Mayor Jesse Arreguín Must Expand His Policies on Climate and Police


On November 3, Jesse Arreguín was re-elected as mayor of Berkeley. Winning 65 percent of the vote, it is clear that the majority of Berkeley voters found him to be the most qualified candidate.

A biker on Wildcat Canyon Rd. stops outside the barriers employed to control the activity in areas of fire risk.

Residents Evacuate and Parks Close Due to Berkeley Hills Fire Risk


On October 25, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection issued a red flag warning that took effect the following day. Wind conditions put the Berkeley Hills at risk for fires, closing parks and forcing some residents to evacuate.  The purpose of red flag warnings are to prepare both residents and firefighters

Youth activists march for climate justice at recent "March 4 Our Future."

Youth at BHS and Beyond Lead the Fight for Climate Justice


As humans grow older, our abilities to hear and listen slowly decrease. Time and usage wear down our auditory system, and our perception of sound and certain frequencies is greatly diminished.

‘A Life On Our Planet’ Sends Message of Urgency and Hope about Climate Crisis


Climate change is old news at this point. Greenhouse gases are thickening the atmosphere, causing a myriad of environmental problems and an impending apocalypse, we’re doomed if we don’t act now, blah blah blah.


For Homelessness, Preventing Climate Change, and Mental Health, Berkeley Needs Aidan Hill as Mayor


Young people are the ones leading the fight for political reform. From the students who refused to obey segregation laws in Greensboro in 1960, to the thousands of children who walked out of school to demand gun reform in 2018, social and political progress has always been driven by youth.

Juana Alicia taught Berkeley High School students in the

Muralist Juana Alicia Inspires Social Change Through Provoking Public Art


Art comes in many forms. Paintings, lined up on a blank wall at a museum, spotlighted sculptures in crowded galleries, a photographed bowl of fruit above someone’s kitchen table.

BHS students advocate for action at a September 2019 climate protest in San Francisco.

“How to Save a Planet” Podcast Answers Big Questions About Climate Change


When my alarm went off at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, September 9, the sky was so black in the Berkeley hills that it looked like the middle of the night. Even at noon, it was a hazy orange because of all the smoke high up in the atmosphere blocking out the sun.