
Legacy of sitcoms: Comfort, familiarily, and a lack of diversity


In light of “Friends” TV show star Matthew Perry’s death, news outlets, magazines, and even podcasts have been looking back on the golden age of television, asking if it’s come to an end or entered a new and more diverse era.

Where Are All These Netflix Originals Coming From?


Netflix originals are the polished force that have been taking over recent entertainment. With the success of House of Cards in 2013, Netflix has been cranking out more and more of these mysteriously labelled “N” series and movies.

‘Framing Britney Spears’ Reveals How Sexism Leads to Harmful Misconceptions


Britney Spears became a world renowned pop icon not only for her iconic tracks, but also for exploring sensuality in her dance style and music on an unprecedented level.

Lack of Female Media Executives Leads to Inaccurate Representation of Women


Imagine a Supreme Court Justice or a computer scientist. Who do you see? Most likely, you’ve pictured a white man. Your vision reflects what you see on television, and in turn, this image shapes what you choose to become.