Eliot Hertenstein


Web Editor


Class of 2024

Eliot Hertenstein is a developer, journalist, and Berkeley High student. They are best known for their work on the BHS Jacket, and numerous websites, including a map of Berkeley High.

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Truth might be losing

News Column

For those of us who have taken Theory of Knowledge or a Philosophy class, this question might seem like a can of worms. However, I’m asking it in a more pragmatic sense: how do we determine if something is true or false?

2023 Senior Profiles


Discomfort or harassment: Trans students burdened by BHS bathrooms


“Whenever I need to go into a space that is gendered, like a bathroom or a locker room, I feel extremely uncomfortable,” said transgender junior Alastair Kudsk, who uses he/they pronouns.


2022 Senior Profiles


Gender Neutral Restrooms Need Upkeep


Bathrooms at Berkeley High School are a disaster. Anyone who’s ever used — or attempted to use — a bathroom at BHS knows about the lack of soap, the missing paper towels, the sticky floors, unflushed toilets, and broken stalls.

Teens’ Online Privacy Must Be Protected


Most students have seen sponsored content before — it’s present in almost every corner of the internet. Whether it takes the form of a banner ad or a post by an influencer, it’s becoming harder and harder to understand what is or isn’t an ad, and how our data is used.

The Social Media Experience Across Genders


The Jacket surveyed a sample of 368 students to explore the role of gender in the perception of social media among teens. Additionally, interviews gave students a space to share their views on social media and how it affects them personally.

A BHS student completes mandatory tutoring in the library by teaching a peer.

Peer Tutoring Requirement Benefits All 


At Berkeley High School, many advanced classes require students to tutor for lower-level classes in order to receive a grade of A. While it can be argued that “required volunteer hours” is an oxymoron, there are many benefits to having advanced students tutor their peers.

NFTs: More Than Just a Trend


Non-Fungible Tokens have recently began to be a trend, with many Berkeley High School students taking a strong stance against their existence. However, while many students have heard of NFTs, they don’t understand what NFTs actually are and how they work.

Students walk past a sign directing mask usage

How is Berkeley High Responding to the Omicron Variant Surge?


In the past few weeks, over 300 students attending Berkeley High School tested positive for COVID-19, due largely to the surge of the Omicron variant and increased rapid testing in Berkeley Unified School District.


BHS Students Benefit from Free Public Transportation


If you’ve lived in Berkeley for more than a few years, you’ve probably taken some sort of public transportation at one point or another: a bus to get to a concert; Bay Area Rapid Transit on a field trip; or you may even use Alameda County Transit to get to school every day. 

Is Cancel Culture the Right Way to Hold People Accountable?


If you’ve been around on the internet for the past few months, you’ve probably heard the phrase “cancel culture” — the left embraces it as a way for the unempowered to create social change against the powerful, while many on the right say it’s an excuse for sensitivity by the left.

Rebuttal: Math Supports BIPOC Students


If you asked a random high school student what their least favorite subject was, many would say math. Math is seen as “fairly useless in many careers,” and some say they just “don’t get numbers.” While it’s okay to not enjoy math, it’s a fundamental part of the world around us, and we need students

False fire alarms have become a common occurence.

BHS Must Actively Fight False Fire Alarms


Every student has a least favorite class. Even if you’re the “model student,” you’ve probably experienced a time when you wanted nothing more than to get out of a test or assignment.

“It feels more real:” BHS Students Return to In-Person Instruction


As the 2020-21 school year nears its end, some Berkeley High School students are returning to campus for in-person learning. The new schedule, which officially began April 24, moved the distance learning school day earlier: it now spans from 8:55 AM to 12:15 PM, and gives students optional time to return to in-person school

BUSD Reconsiders Implementation of GoGuardian


On March 23, Berkeley High School Principal Juan Raygoza sent an email to the Berkeley Unified School District community regarding the implementation of GoGuardian parental controls.

A checkout counter lies empty in Berkeley Natural Grocery Company, a health foods store located in the Westbrae Neighborhood. A recent ordinance has modified what foods will be able to be presented at checkout.

Berkeley Implements Nation’s First Healthy Foods Checkout Line Ordinance


After almost six months, Berkeley has finally enacted the nation’s first checkout ordinance, which requires stores to place healthier items in the checkout aisle.