
Asian tokenization: Not just in the movies

In the ongoing struggle against institutional racism in the U.S., oftentimes what is first and foremost discussed is the lack of representation of people of color, whether that be in the workplace or media.

Teachers of color must be supported inside US schools

The mistreatment of teachers of color in the U.S. dates back to the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education U.S. Supreme Court ruling. In the Brown v. Board ruling, the U.S.

Teachers of color must be supported inside US schools 

The mistreatment of teachers of color in the U.S. dates back to the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education U.S. Supreme Court ruling. In the Brown v. Board ruling, the U.S.

Student learning a new language from Asian color via reading books.

Expanding the Asian language department: Crucial to diversity

In the last 20 years, the Asian American population has increased by 81 percent, making it the current fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States.

A person of color struggling with being truly represented in the media.

Mainstream representation lacks quality

In the ongoing struggle against institutional racism in the U.S., oftentimes what is first and foremost discussed is the lack of representation of people of color, whether that be in the workplace or media.

Arab-American student outside of Ethnic Studies classroom.

BHS Arab-American recognition is crucial

Berkeley High School is exceptional among American high schools for its history as the first to have an African American Studies Department, voluntarily desegregate, require ethnic studies credits for graduation, and for its numerous ethnic studies classes which serve to elaborate upon and correct the limited, traditional narrative of American history and literature.

Illustration of a person with a building in place of their face. Also, there is a border of dollar bills around the person.

An individual choice: Weighing the benefits of a private education versus a public college education

The average American spends $223,360 on four-year private school tuition. With such a high price tag— roughly half the price of a U.S. home — some may wonder whether choosing a private higher education can be justified.

An illustration of the world with a bike, dollar bills, a leaf, and wind turbines around it.

Climate action must become more accessible and affordable

“Buy an electric car, install solar panels on top of your house, and don’t forget to pay for your carbon offsets!” In the grand scheme of combating climate change, the narrative often centers around expensive lifestyle overhauls like these.

An illustrated diagram of a balanced plate of food with three sections, carbs, fruits, and protein.

Health credit addition would help students

According to the National Library of Medicine, students who take nutrition classes in college or before are more likely to have a positive self and body image.

Illustration of a person playing saxophone with music notes flowing into another person

Blind auditions vastly benefit musicians

Every year about 100 students audition to be in Berkeley High School’s prestigious Jazz Band. The BHS Jazz Band was founded in 1960 and has evolved into a full program of 5 bands each year ranging from Jazz 1 to the most experienced Jazz Ensemble.

Illustration of a dress made of money in between a green coin in the shape of a heart.

Embracing an imperfect prom: How to manage the challenges

Over the past month, students scrambled to find the perfect prom outfit and plan the perfect night. Berkeley High School’s prom comes with endless expectations that can easily stress students out.

A watercolor illustration depicting four women of diverse backgrounds, encapsulated within soft, cloud-like shapes against a light blue background. The women are drawn close together, symbolizing unity and diversity, with features suggesting different ethnicities, including a woman wearing a hijab. The image conveys a sense of solidarity and intersectional feminism.

Intersectional feminism builds empathy, fosters critical change

Undervalued, untold, unappreciated, and marginalized groups of women across Berkeley High School are saying their voices need to be heard, and intersectional feminism is the way to accomplish this.

A digital illustration depicts a smiling woman with long brown hair, wearing hoop earrings and a pink tank top. She

‘Girl dinner’ TikTok trends are harmful

Trends on social media are constantly cycling in and out of popularity. With that, it can be difficult to decipher which of these trends are innocent, and which of them are harmful.

The image displays two neon green, 3D wireframe models of a female figure, both positioned above circular bases that emit a green glow. The figures are set against a dark background patterned with simple green lines and dots that resemble circuit board tracks and nodes.

Action must be taken to prevent sexually explicit AI deepfakes

Earlier this year, a middle school in Beverly Hills discovered that a group of students was creating and sharing sexually explicit photos of their peers.

A student puts a laptop into their backpack.

Personal laptops: Tools for engagement

Technology has an undeniable impact on learning: 96 percent of teachers nationwide agree that technology increases student engagement. While the widespread availability of Chromebooks at Berkeley High School has drastically improved, there are still times when they are hard to access.

Socratic seminar taking place as the teacher observes.

Socratic seminars: A place for rich discussions when  used sparingly, with intentionality

English and history classes have long been places of discussion, debate, and disagreement. Conversations can quickly become rich, nuanced, and even heated.

Person in front of school with attention drawing towards them.

Demonstrated interest creates inequality in college process

Many factors contribute to which students colleges accept and which they reject. Demonstrated interest, which measures students’ interest based on how much they interact with the college, is one of these factors at certain colleges.

Students require resources to build stress-relieving and coping skills

From uncomfortable interactions with sworn enemies to lectures from authority figures, Students are often put into situations they’d rather not be in.