
The Berkeley Public Library Central Branch has undergone ambitious remodeling during this period of being closed to the public.

Public Libraries Make Resources Accessible in Innovative Ways


With the nationwide closures that followed the COVID-19 pandemic, many buildings, establishments, and companies were forced to go virtual, a move that many of them made with relatively little loss.

A recently refurbished Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) train lies vacant as the COVID-19 pandemic has lessened the number of commuters.

COVID-19 and Drop in Ridership Transform Public Transport


For many Berkeley residents, Bay Area Rapid Transit and the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District have been staples. BART has provided transportation for nearly fifty years, while AC Transit has been in action for over sixty years.

PTSA Meeting Focuses on Well-Being of Students During Distance Learning


The first Parent Teacher Student Association meeting of the new year was held on January 19. Temporarily setting aside the academic boundaries presented by distance learning, the discussion was focused around a more personal issue; the mental health and emotional well-being of Berkeley High School students.  Before the meeting, a survey was sent

BUSD teachers protest for higher wages.

BUSD Collaborates With the Berkeley Federation of Teachers to Develop a Reopening Plan


As the Berkeley Unified School District moves into its second semester of distance learning for the 2020-21 school year, there are growing questions from community members regarding when and how students will be able to return to in-person instruction.

Unemployment Hits Berkeley as COVID-19 Inhibits Normalcy


Like millions of Americans, Chris Ingersoll was laid off when the pandemic hit. Prior to COVID-19, Ingersoll worked in healthcare technology at a company called R1 RCM that managed financial operations for hospitals.


Social Distancing Restrictions Lead to New PSAT Approach


Berkeley High School will be offering the Preliminary SAT to BHS juniors on Tuesday, January 26, for the first time since schools closed due to COVID-19 in March of 2020.

Superintendent Presents COVID-19 Update at January 6 Board Meeting


The Berkeley School Board’s January 6 meeting primarily focused on plans to return to in-person learning. Members also discussed the English learner master plan and approved an energy service contract with Schneider Electric for equipment replacement at the Berkeley High School pool.  The first public comment period was mainly about COVID-19.

Co-Presidents of the BHS Zero Waste Club Anya Draves (left) and Tallula Miller-Ross (right) have led campaigns to reduce the use of plastic in local grocery stores.

BHS Student Clubs Adapt Activism to COVID-19


For decades, Berkeley High School has been known for its activism. In the ‘60s, Berkeley Unified School District became one of the first schools in the nation to racially integrate its campuses.

What Does a COVID-19 Vaccine Mean for Berkeley?


As we emerge from the soul-sucking year that was 2020, hope has surfaced in the form of a quick jab in the arm with a needle. Though California is still deep in the COVID-19 pandemic and faces some of the toughest months ahead, there is now an end in sight.

BioFuel Oasis, like many other small businesses in Berkeley, has faced challenges due to COVID-19.

Small Businesses Should Stay Open Amid Shelter-In-Place


Imagine Berkeley without Chez Panisse, Top Dog, or Rick and Ann’s, but rather a Starbucks and Target at every corner. Small businesses are incredibly vulnerable to COVID-19; a recent study found that around eight hundred US small businesses are shutting down every day.

BHS's Term System Must Be Adjusted to Preserve Students' Knowledge


At the beginning of this school year, many Berkeley High School students were grateful that they would not be forced to handle all six — or more — classes at once.

Schools Should Require COVID-19 Vaccination for Returning Students


Whether or not a COVID-19 vaccination will be mandatory for students to return to school is a question that has been weighing heavily on the minds of many families.

A Curative testing site, located in the parking lot at the Berkeley Adult School.

Find the Best Site to Get a Free COVID-19 Test in Berkeley


There are many places to get tested around the Bay Area, and different sites ask for varying documentation. This list has been formulated to provide options regardless of health insurance, citizenship, and financial situations.  Curative Testing: Curative Testing, which is in the parking lot at the Berkeley Adult School on 1707 San Pablo Ave., is

Lockdown Wrecks Teens’ Mental Health and Holiday Plans


From the terrors of distance learning to the loneliness of being in isolation at home, almost all teenagers would agree that quarantine has been rough.

Golden Gate Fields horse racing track sits in Berkeley, right by the San Francisco Bay.

More Than 300 Golden Gate Fields Workers Test Positive for COVID-19


A COVID-19 outbreak at Berkeley’s Golden Gate Fields infected over 300 workers and residents, according to a November 20 press release issued by Golden Gate Fields.

COVID-19 Has Changed How Families Coexist and Interact


The ongoing pandemic has strained all aspects of society, but the tightest bonds it has severed have been of a personal note. Familial relationships have been dramatically affected by stay-at-home orders and the risks of meeting with loved ones.

Scholastic Sports Are Not Likely to Come Back Any Time Soon


Despite everyone’s best wishes, the condition of the coronavirus in California is only worsening. This comes as terrible news for youth sports organizers who have been putting in effort to ensure a safe athletic season.

Out of Print: The Future of Local News (Or Lack Thereof)


Throughout this seemingly unrelenting pandemic, it has become clear that the businesses that are hit the hardest economically are not large corporations, but small local businesses.