Aaron Stevens




Class of 2025

Aaron Stevens is a writer, journalist, and Berkeley High student. When he's procrastinating on his article, you can find him playing music or rock climbing.

Protesters gather outside of Sproul Hall on UC Berkeley

NEWS BRIEF: UC Berkeley activists join pro-palestinian encampment protests


Beginning late in April of 2024, University of California Berkeley students and faculty set up an encampment protest outside of Sproul Plaza, calling for UC Berkeley to commit to a financial divestment from Israel in response to the war in Gaza.

Protesting students hold "President Biden: Ceasfire Now!" signs.

Walkout: Students call for ceasefire, Israel-Palestine curriculum


On Tuesday, March 13, 2024, chants of “Free Palestine,” “Teach Palestine,” and “Ceasefire” could be heard from the senior steps, where Berkeley High School  students gathered to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and advocated for the teaching of the Israel-Palestine conflict in Berkeley Unified School District  classes.

ADL files federal complaint against BUSD, alleging anti-Semitism on campuses


On Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024, the Anti-Defamation League and the Brandeis Center released a complaint alleging that BUSD has failed to sufficiently address harassment and discrimination against Jewish-identifying students at elementary, middle, and high schools in the district.

Jill Moniz teaches at Cragmont Elementary

Teachers across Berkeley take on second jobs to make ends meet


With the cost of living steadily increasing throughout the country, many teachers rely on second jobs during summer break to make ends meet. According to federal data from the 2020-21 school year, 16.8 percent of public school teachers work second jobs outside of the school system in addition to teaching.

A Black woman reading a book.

African American Success Framework begins development


The African American Success Framework is a project adopted by the BUSD Board in 2022. The framework is described on the Berkeley Schools website as “a written document that expresses the district’s and community’s view of the strengths, opportunities, and challenges present for African American students,” and aims to create a plan to dismantle

The BHS Bridge program educates on post-high school options, including Berkeley City College.

Bridge program provides support for post-high school options


Originally piloted in the summer of 2010, the Berkeley High Bridge Program has provided support for students, often first generation to college or students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds, while preparing them for college and helping them build academic skills, as stated on Berkeley Unified School District’s Bridge website.  Not only does the program work to

An elementry school studen facing pressure from COVID

Elementary schoolers face in-person learning, behavior setbacks


As a result of over a year of distance learning, younger students have been hit hard by learning setbacks. The Brookings Institute reported that across the United States, math test scores dropped more when compared with students who had experienced other significant disruptions in learning, such as those evacuated following Hurricane Katrina.  Many Berkeley teachers

person in a orb

Seasonal depression impacts students, BHS offers resources


Seasonal depression, also commonly known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, is a form of depression where symptoms appear during specific seasons, typically fall and winter, when days get shorter, and there is less sunlight.

UC on Strike

UC Berkeley academic workers strike for higher wages, benefits


Over the last few weeks, close to 48,000 University of California academic workers, 10,000 of whom are from UC Berkeley, are striking for higher wages and better benefits.

A zoom meeting

BSEP holds run-off election in first official meeting of the year


Berkeley High School students voted in a runoff election on October 19 to appoint the student representatives for this year’s School Site Council. The student representatives had already been elected last spring, but an additional election was recently called due to downsizing.  “The state of California couldn’t get enough people on SSC boards across

A record number of students volunteered to participate in the safety committee this year.

State mandated safety committee seeks out new members at BHS


Berkeley High School is currently in the process of finding new members for its safety committee for the 2022-23 school year. An email with an application form was sent out to the community in late August announcing that the school was looking for students and faculty who would like to participate on the committee.

BUSD School Board

School Board on campus safety, Title IX, and healthcare costs


On September 21, the Berkeley Unified School District School Board assembled for the third time this school year. Topics included Title IX, safety, healthcare and financial compensation for teachers, and upcoming events.  Berkeley High School teacher and math department chair Monique Duncan-Harris spoke on behalf of the Berkeley Federation of Teachers’ proposal regarding pay for

An illustration of a person, leaning against a stack of books

BUSD School Board discusses Bridge Program, new tardy policy, teacher recommendations, and mask enforcement


On Wednesday, August 24, the Berkeley Unified School District School Board convened, discussing topics including staff shortages within the Bridge Program, mask enforcement, new contracts for teachers, and the new tardy policy at Berkeley High School.

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Fair Healthcare Cannot Be For Profit


The United States has the highest cost of healthcare compared with any other country in the world. Our life expectancy is also significantly shorter than countries that have national healthcare, such as the United Kingdom and Canada.