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The friends we made along the way

News Column

To Sage, from Mateo I joined the Jacket because I didn’t have to work with anyone. As most of you know, group projects can be… frustrating. I’m a writer, and I want to shape my own story, without a rubric or assignment sheet.  And then, this year, I became a section editor.

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Reflecting on four(ish) years

News Column

2024 feels like a year still far in the future. I remember looking forward to this moment as the end of childhood, of all sensical things, of my life as I knew it.

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My first community, second home, and third-favorite newspaper

News Column

I joined the Jacket in my freshman year during online school. “Jacket” was synonymous with zoom calls in the kitchen with my sister, both of us crammed into one small square on the screen; with getting my mom to drive me 20 minutes across town to talk to strangers; with the first community I ever

Avatar of Eliot Hertenstein

Truth might be losing

News Column

For those of us who have taken Theory of Knowledge or a Philosophy class, this question might seem like a can of worms. However, I’m asking it in a more pragmatic sense: how do we determine if something is true or false?

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Pixar Movies are Underappreciated Art

Features Column

“When life gets you down do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? … Just keep swimming.” – Finding Nemo From the earliest days, humans have used pictures to communicate and share stories with one another.

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Empty Adjectives

Sports Column

“You are sooo cute today!” A compliment to some, a glaring empty adjective to others. The empty adjective is, to some, a way of saying nothing. However, not all empty adjectives have little meaning, most are quite profound in context.

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Why we love movies about love

Entertainment Column

“I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”  — When Harry Met Sally Love and intimacy are the feelings the human heart and mind crave.

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Global Artists: Sahara Longe paints dreamlike quality of (Black) womanhood 

Entertainment Column

The female gaze, or the lack of one, is a topic that tugs at the nape of many a female artist. It is a uniting factor — a string that binds — even when their artworks are nothing alike.

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Rape Culture revealed: in BUSD

Opinion Column

For some, rape culture may seem to have a degree of separation from their lives. After all, we live in the “Berkeley Bubble.” While rape culture is very present at Berkeley High School, often people pretend it isn’t.

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Girl Language: Its My Column Ya Know

Sports Column

To undermine yourself with language is an interesting concept. Implying that the way you talk directly corresponds to what you know, which is partially true—entirely true — however  is that language is wholly part of you.

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Girl Language: Um, uh, er

News Column

Have you ever tried counting how many times you say “um,” “uh,” or “er,” in a sentence? They’re words you, under no circumstance, can say in an interview.

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Global Artists: Kehinde Wiley, a portrait of Black beauty

Entertainment Column

As we leave the calming, natural beauty of Rithika Merchant’s pieces, we turn to the visually stunning, absolutely gorgeous patterns and portraits of another favorite artist of mine, Kehinde Wiley.

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Rape Culture Revealed

Opinion Column

Seeing stories on rape and abuse in the news is far from uncommon. You hear about a high school soccer coach abusing their team, some powerful CEO assaulting co-workers, or a college student who got raped by classmates.

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Self image and shame 

Entertainment Column

Probably everyone you know, including yourself, has an idea about what their body should look like.  Likely, your perception of how things should be doesn’t always match up with what you see in the mirror.

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Weird History: Great Moon Hoax

Sports Column

Fake news has taken over the internet in the past few years and it can be impossible to tell what’s true and what isn’t. In a 2016 survey, 89 percent of Americans reported that fake news had at some point caused “a great deal of confusion” about basic facts.

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Weird History: Worst Race Ever

Sports Column

Our next bizarre story from history takes us to a Tuesday, on Aug. 30, 1904, where 32 runners were about to depart from a dusty road in St. Louis, Missouri, where  the Summer Olympics of that year were being held.

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The Perfect Bite: Momo House

Features Column

If you are in any way affiliated with Berkeley High School, it’s safe to assume you’re aware of the insane amount of restaurants scattered across the East Bay.

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Ethics of technology

News Column

In a world increasingly dominated by technology, you would think an ethical approach to the issue would be at the top of our priority list. Unfortunately, due to the profit-first-ask-questions-later model that has proliferated throughout many Silicon Valley startups, ethics has been put on hold.